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This printable checklist is a carefully curated collection of the most nutrient-dense foods to nourish your baby as they start their weaning journey. This checklist not only makes introducing solid foods a celebration, but helps you keep track of how many times out of three you have offered each food. The goal being to offer each one at least three times to expose them to different flavours and textures, helping prevent picky eating. 

100 Foods Before One Printable Checklist




    average rating is 5 out of 5

    As a new mom I had no idea what to prepare for my baby. This cookbook helped me create new and very nutritious meals. It also has recipe tips to help me understand how to feed my baby in a healthy way. Love it!


    average rating is 5 out of 5

    These are wonderful, simple recipes that even the pickiest of toddlers will enjoy! Love that each recipe is also nutrient-dense and ingredients are all very straightforward and easy to find in the grocery store. My gal enjoys the liver fingers and blueberry slugs the most! Thank you for making mealtime easier, Nathalie!!


    average rating is 5 out of 5

    Yummy, nutritious, and easy recipes! I love how most of these can be prepared ahead of time and then cooked later or cooked and frozen. Super convenient without sacrificing nutrition. One thing I would enjoy was if the book included suggested substitutions as some items are not everyone’s pantry staples. Providing a ratio of dry:wet and some notes on how it may affect the product would also be helpful for improvising moms!

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    100 Foods Before One
    Printable Checklist

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